On today’s episode of a cat and a book, we’re taking a trip on the wild side, where werewolves go to unicorn ranches? I don’t know what’s going on here, but like this kitten, damn it, I’m in. (Also, can we discuss just how stinking ADORABLE this chocolate tabby is? I’ll take twenty. And look at the teeny tiny little tail, those itsy bitsy death daggers. Purrfection.
Onto the book of the day, which is the Artist Cries Wolf by Heather Horrocks! I picked this one for several reasons. First, I’m totally in love with the color of the chick’s shirt. It caught my attention. I love pink more than I probably should. Add in the unicorn ranch? Yeah. I didn’t even need the pink shirt to get me interested once there was a unicorn ranch in the picture.
I like unicorns almost as much as I like kittens.

Propelled both by fear of a stalker and her brother’s last wishes, Amber Newman is on the run and delivering a letter to her brother’s buddy, who she’s had a crush on for three years. Werewolf Samuel Winston has just returned from Afghanistan when his buddy’s cute little sister shows up at his house. She’s always been off limits — but now his buddy’s last letter asks him to protect her for the next thirty days. He’ll definitely protect her, while he tries to keep the secret that might send her running from him, right when she needs his help now more than ever! Add in a little dog, townsmonsters, and a smelly troll, and you have a recipe for love, laughter — and possibly disaster.
The Artist Cries Wolf is the first book in the lighthearted Moonchuckle Bay series, a sweet and funny 14-book paranormal romance series by USA Today bestselling author Heather Horrocks. If you like sweet romances in magical books that make you laugh — like those by Molly Harper and Shanna Swendson — then you’ll love this series that combines all of their best funny, romantic, and magical traits in a funny, lighthearted, werewolf romance.
For a paranormal beach read with love, laughter, magical labracadabradors, and a unicorn ranch, grab this light-hearted paranormal romance and fall in love with werewolves and vampires and witches — oh, my!
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